What Makes a Good Scientist?

In what ways do you see yourself as a writer? Are you a poet? A journalist? A blogger?  What style of writing is most familiar and comfortable for you?

I see myself as more of a journalist. At times I believe a could be a poet though.  I don’t do much writing in my free time. The majority of my writing is assignments for class.

What is your impression of scientific writing? I see scientific writing as mostly reports or observations. Most of the scientific writing that Ive read seems all fact based.

How do Wilson’s ideas fit with your experience or ideas about scientific writing?

Wilson says that scientist need to have a combination of creativity as well as the skills to reports observations and facts.

What if anything surprised you about Wilson’s description of scientists, and their emotions and values as they fit into the process of science?

I was surprised when he said you would have to be a psychopath in order to do scientific work without any emotion.
